Trade Policy
Recent Client Experience
Recent Client Experience

Advised a G20 Member on the strategy, organization, content development, and technical and political consensus-building of the G20 Trade and Investment Group (TIWG) during its presidency.

Developed for the European Commission a comprehensive institutional, policy and regulatory gap analysis for the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement European Union – Mercosur, reviewing the entire trade and investment regulatory framework in each of the countries, identifying the required amendments to hundreds of pieces of legislation and providing an assessment of implications and strategy for each of them.

Advised the Chairman of the Board of Investments of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on the design and development of an Investment Promotion Agency and the implementation of a comprehensive investment promotion strategy.

Provide strategic advice and comprehensive support to the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) in trade policy, trade facilitation, digital trade, sustainable trade, export promotion, investment promotion, and public-private partnerships, among others.

Advised the Commonwealth of Dominica in the design of a digital Single Window for International Trade with the support of the Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility implemented by GIZ, the British Council, Expertise France, and SNV.

Carried out a regulatory assessment and economic analysis of the public procurement market in Chile and the impact of regulatory barriers on European firms.

Carried out for the World Bank an assessment of regulatory barriers for digital trade and knowledge-based services in Pacific Alliance countries.

Carried out training and capacity-building of government officials on economic impact assessment of free trade agreements in Peru and Paraguay with funding from Canada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada and the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), respectively.

Developed for the World Bank an assessment regulatory and institutional reforms necessary to boost trade and increases competitiveness in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.